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SHALIMAR: Sanitary sewer overflowed into a nearby creek which flows into Lake Lorraine

The estimated spill volume is 8,000 gallons from last night.
Laike Lorraine in Shalimar, Florida

Okaloosa County Water & Sewer experienced a sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) at the 4th Avenue Lift Station, which has an actual address of 221WS Country Club Road, Shalimar, FL.

This particular SSO was due to a power outage and inundation of rainwater/groundwater from Hurricane Sally, according to the county.

The estimated spill volume is 8,000 gallons from last night.

The sanitary sewer overflowed from the lift station into a nearby unnamed creek which flows into Lake Lorraine, off of Choctawhatchee Bay.

The lift station has since been restored to normal operations, commercial power is on, and clean-up is in progress.

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Community Comments

“Who was supposed to be watching him.....weird that no one's stating that and no updates on how he passed away.”
“Pick a place to drive to, the roads here suck”
“Crestview is a cultural and culinary wasteland, unless you like fast food and car washes. On the weekends we look to see what Milton has going on. Their St Patties...”
“Glad that is over. The loud “music “ was very annoying!!”
“Would like to know this as well.”
“This is Awesome/ Thank You for Your Service Reuse an Recycle”
“Carolyn, there is two of them this year, the one at the fairgrounds is still on the 27th”
“I thought this was scheduled for April 27th at Fair grounds in FWB.”