It took a dock effort to get the monster bluefin tuna caught on board the Flat Dangerous out the tuna door, under the dock and onto the scale behind Boshamps Oyster and Seafood Restaurant Wednesday night.
- Local captains and mates joined in to help push and drag the fish through the water and up a ramp and then hoisted it into the air to weigh it officially.
At 888 pounds, it’s the largest tuna ever caught in Florida. It won’t qualify for a state record as multiple people helped land the giant tuna- but as Miller Phillips, owner of Boshamps, said, “We don’t need a state record to celebrate this fish in Destin!”

The Flat Dangerous is an 80-foot Viking owned by Warren Williamson of Greenville, AL and captained by George Gill.
- “It was a pretty awesome day. Found a big school of them and broke off three of them before we got this one in the boat, “ said Captain George Gill.
It was a team effort to land the tuna. Williamson credits mates Eddy Griffith, Dennis Bennett, John Balters and friend Kole Mélançon with helping to land the fish. From start to finish it took about five hours from hook to getting it in the boat.
“It was a great day and a great crew,” Williamson said.

57 Responses
How far out did they go.
Into the blue
Just south of the jetties
65 miles.
Really, really, really far!
…right off the coast… of Tokyo
Awesome catch!
You know, THAT, right there, is a perfect example of how much more humans can accomplish as a group rather than alone. Sure, some guy could have maybe, just maybe, done it alone. But a group of people with a common goal can FOR SURE conquer dang near anything. FOOD FOR THOUGHT!
…and food for enjoyment! Big smile.
I can only imagine what it was like when it was alive! With its sheer power and beauty, took all those men to kill it. Wonder how old that beautiful fish was? Where it’s been in the world, what it has observed…and snuffed out in 5 hours.
Who is the beast and who is the beauty?
I bet it’s going to make some delicious sashimi.
It was around 15 years old. Probably been up and down the east coast those whole 15 years. It has observed other fish in its pod be caught, other fish swimming in the ocean and many days of blue water. The men that caught it are the predator and the fish was the beauty it’s apart of life and how people survive. I don’t understand why people get so upset about this natural thing it has happened for many hundreds and thousands of years.
From Wik: How old is a 500 pound bluefin tuna?
In a survey that included specimens up to 2.55 m (8.4 ft) in length and 247 kg (545 lb) in weight, none was believed to be older than 15 years. However, very large specimens may be up to 50 years old. › wiki
Atlantic bluefin tuna – Wikipedia
Well said!!
What a fag
Omg lol what a quack job
I can imagine it in an awesome Tuna Hoagie.
Go hug the trees in your forest and next time you belly up to dining table ask yourself what did the cow chicken pig feel when it was prepared for idiots like you! Unbelievable
What in the world do you think it felt… Nothing it was dead because we killed it to eat
At least one thousand five hundred people will enjoy that fish as a center of the plate protein in a meal. The catch of thse fish are highly regulated. Celebrate that. 🙂
You are a Biden Baby also a vegan I would guess. I have been fishing for 44 yrs, have the up most respect for Mother Ocean and Her bounty. It has fed 7 generations of my family and will continue to do so. You are entitled to your opinion, but doesn’t mean you are correct. You speak of things that you know nothing about.
Take that nonsense elsewhere and let them enjoy their victory.
And now for the 3500lb great white shark that’s still pissed off at the fact he never had.his footage make it into JAWS 2 filmed just before you cross the bridge to Ocaloosa island where the SUGAR FOOT was docked at for many year’s and the black lab that used to dive in and pick up silver dollars for a treat. I think his owners got to keep the silver dollars. It was before you. OH YEAH THE BLUE ROOM WAS THE NAME OF THE RESTAURANT YOU TURNED IN BESIDE TO GET TO THE DOCKS.
What rod and reel was used
After having looked through their team photos, the only reel visible on board was a Tiagra 130.
Team Flat Dangerous
64’ Viking
”the captain said they caught the tuna on 100-pound main line, 150-pound Braid and 400-pound leader.”
Fish was dead and tail-wrapped, that’s why it took so long.
From article at
Probably a female that could have been reproducing instead of ending up on a dinner plate.
Wah tree hugger
You’re speculating so you can whine. So inbecoming.
Plate me some ah Dat tuna
Stop whining. Catching these fish is HIGHLY regulated to ensure their survival. If you disagree with fishing for them don’t eat them. Don’t try to force your OPINION on anyone.
Imagine catching a Pelagic during a closed time of year which is 3 Feb 24 – 31 Dec 24 due to BFT spawning in Gulf of Mexico!
Imagine it doesn’t matter when during the year you catch the fish. It won’t be spawning the next year.
What’s your point?
Did you read the NOAA Rule you cited? It only applies to southern area, defined as south of 39-18N and outside the Gulf of Mexico.
I remember the Blue Room and the old docks. The Wharf too.
Depending on the quality that could fetch $25K … bearing a dressed weight of around 650lbs. Beautiful fish.
Wow, what a catch. Congrats to the captain and crew, a lot of people have no idea how much skill it takes to land a fish like that.
To the tree hugger, have you heard of the food chain? We are all born then live our lives and die. Does she feel bad about the thousands of fish that tuna killed and ate over the years. Would you feel better if a great white shark came along and killed the tuna. This way many people will be fead by this fish.
I love Fishing. This is An Amazing accomplishment. Congrats to the capt’n and crew for bringing in this haul. To the Tree Hugger: I just feel sad for you…..its okay though……maybe she lost her baseball I dunno
500 lb bluefin tuna sold for $800,000 in Tokyo in Jan2024. That makes this fish worth over $1.4 million. Who is going to get paid?
World market pricing doesn’t really work that way. The year begins with someone in japan paying an enormous sum for a prime fish, mostly for bragging rights and PR.
The price later paid for other fish in general at auction is far, far less.
In this case, they gave most of it away.
Awesome catch Capt and crew.. Respect from an Orange Beach Charter Capt.
I wonder what Captain Mike Imm had to say about this. Who got his start on the super Sea catch with captain Eric.
Me and my fiance caught 855 blu fin also in cat cay bimini APRIL 2,2023 . CHRISTIN N TAVIE
Finally caught Bill Parcells. Go Ravens
Great catch and congrats to the capt and crew would like to hear what the fish brings in $$$ wise.
That great WW the Greenville trip proud of u and the crew. Gray
Rid / reel combo ? Line test and what was the bait ?
Bravo boys….what was the rod / reel combo ? Line test ? Bait ?
Caught 6 Bluefin 900 – 1100 lbs in 1980 . Used hand lines . Off of Gloucester , Mass .
Taken Charge !!! Congrats!
I’m sick of these Biden babies, go eat your rabbit food and move out of our country because you are trying to change everything our forefathers fought for and made the Declaration of Independence.You are just sheep with a wolf in a shepherds Costume leading you to the slaughter house. So Blind. God Made all animals and Fish for Mankind to survive. Man is the provider and Hunting and Fishing is how he provides for there family and friends to thrive and survive since the beginning of times. Congratulations to the capt. and crew of 64’ Viking. The power of a fish of that caliber is unmatched like you said you had four or five snap you off before landing that BEAUTY! GO BEAST MODE!!!
Biden babies has nothing to do with it, science does. Sure your family may have survived the last 200+ years fishing, that is impressive.
Problem is things are vastly different and continue to change. Gear has vastly improved, sonar is now unreal, oceans are heating up, etc.
Florida has lost 98% of their coral reefs due to warming of the ocean.
Something needs to change, and those who depend on the oceans for their livelihood should be leaders, not deniers!
Time to open your mind to our changing environment, and how to best protect it.
Maybe check out what has happened to the Alaska crab industry.
Better think about who is prioritizing our environment, it’s not our past president.
I wonder what are they eating now since eating tuna now is not politically correct…lol
Biden babies has nothing to do with it, science does. Sure your family may have survived the last 200+ years fishing, that is impressive.
Problem is things are vastly different and continue to change. Gear has vastly improved, sonar is now unreal, oceans are heating up, etc. Florida has lost 98% of their coral reefs due to warming of the ocean. Something needs to change, and those who depend on the oceans for their livelihood should be leaders, not deniers!
Time to open your mind to our changing environment, and how to best protect it.
Maybe check out what has happened to the Alaska crab industry. Who is next?