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82-pound sea turtle washed ashore on Eglin AFB Beach property in Navarre

This 82lbs adult Kemp’s ridley sea turtle was found washed ashore on the Eglin AFB Beach property in Navarre on Sunday, January 2nd. According to the Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center, she was […]

📸 Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center/Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park

This 82lbs adult Kemp’s ridley sea turtle was found washed ashore on the Eglin AFB Beach property in Navarre on Sunday, January 2nd.

According to the Gulfarium C.A.R.E. Center, she was very lethargic and covered with algae and gooseneck barnacles. She is currently receiving fluids and antibiotics at the C.A.R.E. Center and began eating on Friday, January 7th. 

“We are very happy to say that she is improving and becoming more active each day,” wrote the C.A.R.E. Center. “Kemp’s ridleys are the most endangered of all seven species of sea turtle.”

Based on global population assessments, this species has an extremally high risk of becoming extinct in the wild in the immediate future. 

“In January 2019, it was estimated that there were only 22,341 mature Kemp’s ridley sea turtles left in the wild, so it is extremely important that we do everything we can to help these amazing animals,” continued to the C.A.R.E. Center.

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“Preston Hood was a good friend for many years and One of the best automobile dealers I’ve ever known. The Preston Hood Athletic Complex is a testimony to his vision...”
“False. At 6pm we still didn’t have water. So someone is not informing those affected truthfully.”
“Biden babies has nothing to do with it, science does. Sure your family may have survived the last 200+ years fishing, that is impressive. Problem is things are vastly different...”
“Biden babies has nothing to do with it, science does. Sure your family may have survived the last 200+ years fishing, that is impressive. Problem is things are vastly different...”
“When available for rent?? 44' powercat with 21.5' beam. Is anyone answering these questions??”
“Really? The article mentions Hurlburt Field. Google Hurlburt Field and you will know where it IS and HOW to get there !!!”
“Happened to be in Crestview a while back and stopped in at Seven Brew. It was awesome. I live in Niceville and so happy to see one coming here. Better...”
“Falling short: 1. Crime is soaring. 2. A need for affordable housing. 3. Road repairs in dire need.”
“Falling short on 1. affordable housing. 2.Street/road repair is the worse I’ve seen in 8 years. 3. Crime is soaring. This is for starters.”