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Florida House unanimously passes bill to improve Mental Health System

The Florida House of Representatives has unanimously passed CS/CS/HB 7021 – Mental Health and Substance Abuse, a bill aimed at significantly modernizing Florida’s Baker and Marchman Acts. The bill, which received unanimous approval in each assigned committee stop and a 111-0 vote in the Florida House, would be the first major improvement to the Baker Act […]

Representative Patt Maney

The Florida House of Representatives has unanimously passed CS/CS/HB 7021 – Mental Health and Substance Abuse, a bill aimed at significantly modernizing Florida’s Baker and Marchman Acts.

  • The legislation, championed by State Representative Patt Maney and supported by House Speaker Paul Renner, is set to improve the navigation, service delivery, and expected outcomes of the state’s mental health system.

The bill, which received unanimous approval in each assigned committee stop and a 111-0 vote in the Florida House, would be the first major improvement to the Baker Act in 53 years and the Marchman Act in 30 years, according to Maney.

The proposed changes include modernizing standards for involuntary mental health treatment services, broadening the definition of licensed medical practitioners qualified to provide care, and refining the responsibilities of county courts.

“Persistence surely does pay off,” said State Representative Patt Maney – HD4. “After four years in office pursuing these improvements, I am delighted that my colleagues are just as determined as I to see this good legislation implemented.”

The bill aims to reduce recidivism, improve access to care, and increase the efficiency of mental health service delivery. It would be supported by a $50 million appropriation.

  • Key highlights of the bill include allowing law enforcement discretion in initiating involuntary mental health evaluations, permitting physician assistants and APRNs to practice in psychiatric settings within their scope of practice, and streamlining the petition process for Marchman Act evaluations and treatment.

The Senate companion bill, SB 1784, sponsored by State Senator Erin Grall, is expected to come before the Florida Senate for a vote before reaching the Governor’s desk for signature into law.

The Baker Act, officially known as the Florida Mental Health Act of 1971, allows for short-term involuntary and voluntary examination, admission, and treatment of individuals with mental illness.

The Marchman Act, officially the Hal S. Marchman Alcohol and Other Drug Services Act of 1993, allows for the involuntary and voluntary assessment, stabilization, and treatment of individuals allegedly abusing alcohol or drugs.

  • “We need to shore up our Baker and Marchman Acts to reflect today’s needs,” added Rep. Maney. “Florida’s families deserve the kinds of warm hand-offs in care and positive outcomes in stabilization and treatment when their loved ones are assessed for mental health needs. Especially post-pandemic, our mental health is too important to ignore.”

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Community Comments

“All the new WRONG WAY and Do Not Enter signs in the Racetrack Rd median look horrible and confuse everyone. Take them down!”
“Is this how FWB is "revitalizing" downtown. LOL”
“85 north was a mess. I left Wright at 6:15 pm going up Lewis Turner. Traffic started backing up about 1 mile before the intersection with 85, so I got...”
“Was this foul play? Cause of death? Didn't sound like he was dressed to go for a swim when last seen so I wonder why and how did he end...”
“This sounds like damage control right off??”
“FWB is dying and it brought it upon itself. The good ol boy system is still in place. We are nothing but a pass thru city. What a joke, these...”
“You forgot to add tattoo shops, thai restraunts, and smoke shops.”
“What is the update on this facility?”
“Another gas station. Just what this crappy city needs. Who is on charge of zoning this crap? All fwb is now is self storage, gas stations, and car washes, and...”
“It is my understanding that the Earnhardt foundation may be trying to push that track to NASCAR. Right now it features “ car-dominimums” and purchased lot of 440 acres”


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