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Okaloosa County approved for $7.9 Million in state funding, including Bridge-to-Bridge Multi-Use Path

Six legislative priorities, proposed by Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners, have gained support in the State budget.
$2 million for US 98 Bridge-to-Bridge Multi-Use Path from West Okaloosa Island to Destin (Okaloosa Public Information Office)

On Thursday, June 2, 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis signed the roughly $112 billion State Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget, confirming the funding for projects totaling nearly $8 Million to benefit Okaloosa County.

Approved projects include:

  • $750,000 for Overbrook Area Stormwater Improvements
  • $300,000 for Cinco Bayou Glenwood Park Water Quality Improvement
  • $2 million for US 98 Bridge-to-Bridge Multi-Use Path from West Okaloosa Island to Destin
  • $3 million for County Road 2 Road Safety and Upgrades to Big Horse Creek and Yellow River Bridges
  • $1.5 million for Niceville College Boulevard Multi-Use Pathway
  • $350,000 for the continued support of the Pretrial Mental Health Diversion Program.

“We are fortunate to have the support that our community has and continues to receive from the State of Florida,” said Okaloosa Board of County Commissioners Chairman Mel Ponder. “The County is thankful for the hard work and advocacy of our Legislative Delegates including Senators Doug Broxson and George Gainer and Representatives Patt Maney and Jayer Williamson.”

$3 million for County Road 2 Road Safety and Upgrades to Big Horse Creek and Yellow River Bridges (Okaloosa Public Information Office)

Two County projects were vetoed including $1.5 million for a Florosa Water Storage Tank and funding for US 90 at Jericho Road Improvements within the Shoal River Ranch Gigasite for $1 million.

  • An alternate funding source for the Florosa tank will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners in July, as part of the upcoming 5-year Capital Improvement Plan. 

Though the US 90 and Jericho Road Improvements were not approved as part of the State’s annual budget process, Governor DeSantis awarded $3.2 million to Okaloosa County through the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund to expand infrastructure, including roads, at the Shoal River Ranch Gigasite.

The Governor vetoed a record $3.1 billion out of the state budget, approved by the Legislature in March.

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Community Comments

“All the new WRONG WAY and Do Not Enter signs in the Racetrack Rd median look horrible and confuse everyone. Take them down!”
“Is this how FWB is "revitalizing" downtown. LOL”
“85 north was a mess. I left Wright at 6:15 pm going up Lewis Turner. Traffic started backing up about 1 mile before the intersection with 85, so I got...”
“Was this foul play? Cause of death? Didn't sound like he was dressed to go for a swim when last seen so I wonder why and how did he end...”
“This sounds like damage control right off??”
“FWB is dying and it brought it upon itself. The good ol boy system is still in place. We are nothing but a pass thru city. What a joke, these...”
“You forgot to add tattoo shops, thai restraunts, and smoke shops.”
“What is the update on this facility?”
“Another gas station. Just what this crappy city needs. Who is on charge of zoning this crap? All fwb is now is self storage, gas stations, and car washes, and...”
“It is my understanding that the Earnhardt foundation may be trying to push that track to NASCAR. Right now it features “ car-dominimums” and purchased lot of 440 acres”


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